If ever a songwriter could be said to have given authentic voice to Fife and its characters, neuks and cronies, Dunfermline man John Watt (1933-2011) fits the bill. A great activist for traditional music, he is best remembered for the songs The Kelty Clippie (above) and Fife's Got Everything, and Pittenweem Jo:
Long-time Fife resident Scott Murray composed A Dyker's Compliments to Her Neebours when working with older people at Ladywalk House in Anstruther for a community songwriting project with the New Makars Trust, and it gives a rich serving of local dialect around Ainster and Cellardyke:
Keep yer ain fish guts tae yer ain sea maws
Anster daws, tattie shaws
Keep yer ain fish guts tae yer ain sea maws
Lyin amang the deid craws
Thanks to Scott Murray for permission to use the song. The full text is available at the Scotland's Songs website.
Fife is of course also the setting for the classic ballad, Sir Patrick Spens, sung here by Jean Redpath, originally from Leven, at the Kist o Riches website.